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Creating Different Types of Lists

Lists are a great way to organize information in a structured way. And Framework7 provides a number of different list types to choose from, ranging from simple text lists to more complex lists with icons, groups, headers and footers. In shinyMobile, all these possibilities are available through the f7List() and f7ListItem() functions.

Styling options

There are 4 styling options available for lists:

  • inset: to make list block inset, which will make the list block appear indented. If used in combination with strong, it will also have rounded corners.
  • outline: to add outline (borders) around the list block
  • dividers: to add dividers (borders) between list items
  • strong: to add extra highlighting to list block

Available mode options

There are 4 different modes available for lists:

  • simple: to create a simple list
  • links: to create a list with links
  • media: to create a list with media elements
  • contacts: to create a grouped list


As you can imagine, there are a lot of possible combinations of these options. Below we will show some examples of how to create different types of lists.

List items

There are two different ways in which you can create items belonging in f7List():

  1. Using tags$li(), which is the most simple way to create a list item. Within this tag you can add any HTML content you like.
  2. Using f7ListItem(), which gives you plenty of options to configure your list item. This is the recommended method.

For example, the following code creates a simple list with 5 items using the first method:

  mode = "simple",
  lapply(1:5, function(j) {
      paste("Item", j)

Using the second method, the code would look like:

  mode = "simple",
  lapply(1:5, function(j) {
      title = paste("Item", j)

The styling of these two methods might differ slightly, because in the second method some CSS classes are added to the list items. However, in the case of a simple item like above, there’s no difference.

Simple list

The most simple list has mode set to "simple" and no other options set:


  ui = f7Page(
    title = "My app",
    options = list(dark = FALSE, theme = "ios"),
      navbar = f7Navbar(title = "f7List"),
        mode = "simple",
        lapply(1:5, function(j) {
            title = paste("Item", j)
  server = function(input, output) {

Note that you need to use title = ... in f7ListItem() when using f7List(mode = "simple", ...). Other arguments in f7ListItem() will be ignored when mode is "simple".

Using the styling options, you can already drastically change the appearance of the list:


  ui = f7Page(
    title = "My app",
    options = list(dark = FALSE, theme = "ios"),
      navbar = f7Navbar(title = "f7List"),
        mode = "simple",
        outline = TRUE,
        dividers = TRUE,
        strong = TRUE,
        lapply(1:5, function(j) {
            title = paste("Item", j)
  server = function(input, output) {

When setting mode to "links", the list items will be displayed as links:

In the example above, we’re using f7Link() to create the links. This will automatically make sure that the links are opened in a new tab.

To add some complexity to the link list, we can add a header and footer. In this case, we will use f7ListItem() to create the list items. It is important to set mode to NULL in f7List():


  ui = f7Page(
    title = "My app",
    options = list(dark = FALSE, theme = "ios"),
      navbar = f7Navbar(title = "f7List"),
        mode = NULL,
        outline = TRUE,
        dividers = TRUE,
        strong = TRUE,
        lapply(1:5, function(j) {
            title = paste("Item", j),
            header = paste("Header", j),
            footer = paste("Footer", j),
            href = ""
  server = function(input, output) {

Grouped list

A grouped list can be generated by using f7ListGroup(). The mode argument should be set to "contacts" in f7List():


  ui = f7Page(
    title = "My app",
    options = list(dark = FALSE, theme = "ios"),
      navbar = f7Navbar(title = "f7List"),
        mode = "contacts",
        outline = TRUE,
        dividers = TRUE,
        strong = TRUE,
        lapply(4:6, function(i) {
            title = LETTERS[i],
            lapply(1:10, function(j) {
              f7ListItem(title = paste("Person", j),
                         media = tags$img(
                         src = paste0("", j, ".jpg")
                         # Random phone number as text
                         paste0("+42 6 ", sample(10000000:99999999, 1))
  server = function(input, output) {

By adding media to the f7ListItem(), you can display an image next to the list item, thereby making a pretty fancy contact list!

If desired, you can also use f7Icon():


  ui = f7Page(
    title = "My app",
    options = list(dark = FALSE, theme = "ios"),
      navbar = f7Navbar(title = "f7List"),
        mode = "contacts",
        outline = TRUE,
        dividers = TRUE,
        strong = TRUE,
        lapply(4:6, function(i) {
            title = LETTERS[i],
            lapply(1:10, function(j) {
              f7ListItem(title = paste("Person", j),
                         media = f7Icon("person_fill"),
                         # Random phone number as text
                         paste0("+31 6 ", sample(10000000:99999999, 1))
  server = function(input, output) {

Media list

With mode set to "media", you can create a list with media objects, and you have the option to add a subtitle to the list items. Note that header and footer can’t be used in a media list.


  ui = f7Page(
    title = "My app",
    options = list(dark = FALSE, theme = "ios"),
      navbar = f7Navbar(title = "f7List"),
        mode = "media",
        outline = TRUE,
        dividers = TRUE,
        strong = TRUE,
        lapply(1:10, function(i) {
            title = paste("Title", i),
            subtitle = paste("Subtitle", i),
            media = tags$img(
              style = "border-radius: 8px;",
              src = paste0("", i, ".jpg"),
              width = "70"
            right = paste("Right", i),
            paste("Some longer text about this particular item that has the magical number", i),
            href = "#"
  server = function(input, output) {

The default media width is 50. If you want to override this, you can add width to the img tag.

Other Types of Lists

The list view can be used in other cases as well:

  • To create a virtual list with f7VirtualList() for displaying a list with a large number of items.
  • To create an inputs layout, where inputs can be nicely grouped and styled together inside an f7List(). You can read more about this in the Inputs Layout vignette.
  • Swipeout is an extension of the list view that allows you to swipe over list elements to reveal a hidden menu with available actions. You can use f7Swipeout() and f7SwipeOutItem() for this.