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Accordion display a list of high-level options that can expand/collapse to reveal more information.


accordion(inputId, ..., value = default_value)


update_accordion(session = shiny::getDefaultReactiveDomain(), inputId, ...)



ID of the component.


Props to pass to the component. The allowed props are listed below in the Details section.


Starting value.


Object passed as the session argument to Shiny server.


Object with shiny.tag class suitable for use in the UI of a Shiny app. The update functions return nothing (called for side effects).


  • children. Type: ReactNode OR ReactNode[]. Default: NA.

  • variant. Type: light OR shadow OR bordered OR splitted. Default: "light".

  • selectionMode. Type: none OR single OR multiple. Default: NA.

  • selectionBehavior. Type: toggle OR replace. Default: "toggle".

  • isCompact. Type: boolean. Default: false.

  • isDisabled. Type: boolean. Default: false.

  • showDivider. Type: boolean. Default: true.

  • dividerProps. Type: DividerProps. Default: NA.

  • hideIndicator. Type: boolean. Default: false.

  • disableAnimation. Type: boolean. Default: false.

  • disableIndicatorAnimation. Type: boolean. Default: false.

  • disallowEmptySelection. Type: boolean. Default: false.

  • keepContentMounted. Type: boolean. Default: false.

  • fullWidth. Type: boolean. Default: true.

  • motionProps. Type: MotionProps. Default: NA.

  • disabledKeys. Type: React.Key[]. Default: NA.

  • itemClasses. Type: AccordionItemClassnames. Default: NA.

  • selectedKeys. Type: all OR React.Key[]. Default: NA.

  • defaultSelectedKeys. Type: all OR React.Key[]. Default: NA.

  • onSelectionChange. Type: (keys: "all" OR Set<React.Key>) => any. Default: NA.

  • children. Type: ReactNode. Default: NA.

  • title. Type: ReactNode. Default: NA.

  • subtitle. Type: ReactNode. Default: NA.

  • indicator. Type: IndicatorProps. Default: NA.

  • startContent. Type: ReactNode. Default: NA.

  • motionProps. Type: MotionProps. Default: NA.

  • isCompact. Type: boolean. Default: false.

  • isDisabled. Type: boolean. Default: false.

  • keepContentMounted. Type: boolean. Default: false.

  • hideIndicator. Type: boolean. Default: false.

  • disableAnimation. Type: boolean. Default: false.

  • disableIndicatorAnimation. Type: boolean. Default: false.

  • HeadingComponent. Type: React.ElementType. Default: "h2".

  • classNames. Type: AccordionItemClassnames. Default: NA.

  • onFocus. Type: (e: FocusEvent) => void. Default: NA.

  • onBlur. Type: (e: FocusEvent) => void. Default: NA.

  • onFocusChange. Type: (isFocused: boolean) => void. Default: NA.

  • onKeyDown. Type: (e: KeyboardEvent) => void. Default: NA.

  • onKeyUp. Type: (e: KeyboardEvent) => void. Default: NA.

  • onPress. Type: (e: PressEvent) => void. Default: NA.

  • onPressStart. Type: (e: PressEvent) => void. Default: NA.

  • onPressEnd. Type: (e: PressEvent) => void. Default: NA.

  • onPressChange. Type: (isPressed: boolean) => void. Default: NA.

  • onPressUp. Type: (e: PressEvent) => void. Default: NA.

  • onClick. Type: MouseEventHandler. Default: NA.


#> Attaching package: ‘shiny’
#> The following objects are masked from ‘package:shinyNextUI’:
#>     actionButton, updateActionButton

ui <- nextui_page(
  debug_react = TRUE,
  p(class = "font-extrabold text-2xl uppercase", "accordion()"),
    inputId = "accordion1",
    value = "2",
      startContent = avatar(
        isBordered = TRUE,
        color = "primary",
        radius = "lg",
        src = ""
      onPress = JS("(e) => alert('Your pressed me')"),
      title = "Element 1",
      key = "1",
      subtitle = "subtitle"
    accordion_item("plop", title = "Element 2", key = "2")
  spacer(y = 2),
  p(class = "font-extrabold text-2xl uppercase", "shadow variant accordion()"),
    inputId = "accordion2",
    isCompact = TRUE,
    variant = "shadow",
    value = "3",
    accordion_item("plop", title = "Element 1", key = "1", subtitle = "subtitle"),
    accordion_item("plop", title = "Element 2", key = "2"),
    accordion_item("plop", title = "Element 3", key = "3")
  spacer(y = 2),
  p(class = "font-extrabold text-2xl uppercase", "bordered variant accordion()"),
    inputId = "accordion3",
    isCompact = TRUE,
    variant = "bordered",
    accordion_item("plop", title = "Element 1", key = "1", subtitle = "subtitle"),
    accordion_item("plop", title = "Element 2", key = "2")
  spacer(y = 2),
  p(class = "font-extrabold text-2xl uppercase", "splitted variant accordion()"),
    inputId = "accordion4",
    isCompact = TRUE,
    variant = "splitted",
    motionProps= JS(
      variants: {
        enter: {
          y: 0,
          opacity: 1,
          height: "auto",
          transition: {
            height: {
              type: "spring",
              stiffness: 500,
              damping: 30,
              duration: 1,
            opacity: {
              easings: "ease",
              duration: 1,
        exit: {
          y: -10,
          opacity: 0,
          height: 0,
          transition: {
            height: {
              easings: "ease",
              duration: 0.25,
            opacity: {
              easings: "ease",
              duration: 0.3,
    value = "2",
    accordion_item("plop", title = "Element 1", key = "1", subtitle = "subtitle"),
    accordion_item("plop", title = "Element 2", key = "2")
  spacer(y = 2),
  p(class = "font-extrabold text-2xl uppercase", "Update accordion"),
    label = "Accordion to open:",
    select_item(key = 1, value = "1", "1"),
    select_item(key = 2, value = "2", "2")
  spacer(y = 2),
    inputId = "accordion5",
    isCompact = TRUE,
    variant = "bordered",
    accordion_item("plop1", title = "Element 1", key = "1", subtitle = "subtitle"),
    accordion_item("plop2", title = "Element 2", key = "2")

server <- function(input, output, session) {
  observeEvent(input$select, {
      value = input$select

if (interactive() || is_testing()) shinyApp(ui, server)