Allow to apply a shake animation on a given element.
setShake(id = NULL, class = NULL, duration = 0.82)
id | Use this argument if you want to target an individual element. |
class | The element to which the shake should be applied. For example, class is set to box. |
duration | Shake total duration. 0.82s by default. |
if (interactive()) { library(shiny) library(shinydashboard) library(shinydashboardPlus) library(shinyEffects) boxTag <- box( title = "A box", status = "warning", solidHeader = FALSE, collapsible = TRUE, p("Box Content") ) shinyApp( ui = dashboardPage( header = dashboardHeader(), sidebar = dashboardSidebar(), body = dashboardBody( setShake(class = "box"), setShake(id = "my-progress"), tags$h2("Add shake to the box class"), fluidRow(boxTag, boxTag), tags$h2("Add shake only to the first element using id"), tagAppendAttributes( progressBar( value = 10, striped = TRUE, animated = TRUE, vertical = TRUE ), id = "my-progress" ), progressBar( value = 50, status = "warning", size = "xs", ) ), controlbar = dashboardControlbar(), title = "Shake Effect" ), server = function(input, output) { } ) }