Allow to apply a shake animation on a given element.

setShake(id = NULL, class = NULL, duration = 0.82)



Use this argument if you want to target an individual element.


The element to which the shake should be applied. For example, class is set to box.


Shake total duration. 0.82s by default.


if (interactive()) { library(shiny) library(shinydashboard) library(shinydashboardPlus) library(shinyEffects) boxTag <- box( title = "A box", status = "warning", solidHeader = FALSE, collapsible = TRUE, p("Box Content") ) shinyApp( ui = dashboardPage( header = dashboardHeader(), sidebar = dashboardSidebar(), body = dashboardBody( setShake(class = "box"), setShake(id = "my-progress"), tags$h2("Add shake to the box class"), fluidRow(boxTag, boxTag), tags$h2("Add shake only to the first element using id"), tagAppendAttributes( progressBar( value = 10, striped = TRUE, animated = TRUE, vertical = TRUE ), id = "my-progress" ), progressBar( value = 50, status = "warning", size = "xs", ) ), controlbar = dashboardControlbar(), title = "Shake Effect" ), server = function(input, output) { } ) }